2014 COINS Ph.D. student seminar in Tromsø: 13-15 October


(Note that order of presentations might change)

Monday, 13th of October 2014 (location: UiT, Nedre lysthus, Auditorium)

Tuesday, 14th of October 2014 (location: UiT, Fiskerihøgskolen, Lille Auditorium E102)

Wednesday, 15th of October 2014 (location: Quality Hotel Saga)

The seminar is over and registration is closed. The information below is kept for archival purposes. Thanks to everybody who contributed to the seminar.


The seminar will take place at UiT on Monday and Tuesday, and at Quality Hotel Saga on Wednesday. NordSec will start at the same place on Wednesday. It is up to you where you book your accommodation. If you want to stay for NordSec, you probably want to book accommodation at Saga.

COINS students get coverage for travel (least expensive practical alternative t/r Tromsø) and accommodation (COINS+NordSec). Students without a regular paper, i.e. none or a poster, get coverage for the NordSec conference fee; authors of full papers should get funding for the conference fee from their department.

COINS supervisors get coverage for travel (least expensive practical alternative t/r Tromsø) and accommodation. COINS does not pay for supervisor attendance or participation at NordSec, but you are welcome to book your flight so that you can attend NordSec with your own funding.

SWITS and MyPhD students get coverage for travel (least expensive practical alternative t/r Tromsø) and accommodation. Total support is limited to 5,000 NOK per student. COINS does not pay for attendance or participation at NordSec, but you are welcome to book your flight so that you can attend NordSec with alternative funding.
COINS does pay additionally for accommodation and NordSec attendance for students that attend both the COINS seminar and NordSec, present a poster, wear a COINS t-shirt throughout the NordSec conference, acknowledge COINS funding on their poster and document their contribution by two photos of them taken at the conference and by writing a one page report on their seminar participation.

All inquiries can be sent to [email protected].

ECTS credits

Participating COINS Ph.D. students might be eligible for getting ECTS credits that can be used towards the taught component of their Ph.D. programme.

HiG students need to enrol in “IMT6004 COINS Workshop” to be formally allowed to get ECTS credits according to the requirements in the course description.

Students from other COINS member institutions that do not yet offer a local course code could negotiate individual recognition based on an individual agreement. (And should ask their local COINS contact when local course codes become available.)

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