Alessandro Budroni


Alessandro Budroni

Ph.D. started in: 2017
Expected year of graduation: 2021
COINS consortium member: University of Bergen
Supervised by: Igor A. Semaev
Research area: Cryptography
Project title: Cryptoanalysis on LWE
Project description: With the advent of quantum computers, the most famous and used public key encryption methods will become vulnerable. Learning With Errors is nowadays considered one of the best one-way-function candidates to build quantum resistant crypto-protocols. Indeed it seems to be resistant both to quantum and non-quantum attacks. Thus it is very important to make a strong cryptoanalysis on LWE before the advent of the quantum era. What I do is to study a statistical approach for a cryptoanalysis on this problem.

Events attended with COINS funding:
  1. COINS summer school, Zoom, Zoom, 2021
  2. Oxford Post-Quantum Cryptography Workshop, Oxford, UK, 2019
  3. COINS Finse winter school, Finse, Norway, 2019
  4. EUROCRYPT 2018, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2018
  5. COINS Finse winter school, Finse, Norway, 2018
  6. The International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC), New York, USA, 2018
  7. COINS Ph.D student seminar, Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway, 2018
  8. NISK 2018, Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway, 2018
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