Maria Bartnes


Maria Bartnes

Ph.D. started in: 2011
Year of graduation: 2015
COINS consortium member: Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Supervised by: Danilo Gligoroski, Poul Heegaard
Links: CristinDBLPDBLP
Research area: Security Management
Project title: Managing information security incidents in Smart Grid environments
Project description: I am studying how information security incidents are being detected and responded to; both by technical measures and by human actions, and how the aftermath is performed; information sharing, lessons learnt, how experiences are transferred into the overall work with information security in companies operating power automation systems. This is studied with respect to both ICT systems and the power automation systems in order to identify cooperation, possible synergy effects from future cooperation and the management system in general.

The aim is to contribute to efficient and successful incident management in a smart grids environment, where the worlds of ICT and automation meet. This requires a socio-technical approach, as the field of research is neither only technology nor man, but indeed a combination of the two. It will be impossible to improve anything without addressing both.


  1. Atle Abelsen, Maria Bartnes Line, Nils Brede Moe (2015). Få øver beredskap
  2. Haakon Barstad, Maria Bartnes Line (2015). IT-sikkerheten ikke prioritert
  3. Maria Bartnes, Inger Anne Tøndel, Martin Gilje Jaatun (2015). Current practices and challenges in industrial control organizations regarding information security incident management – Does size matter? Information security incident management in large and small industrial control organizations
  4. Erlend Andreas Gjære, Martin Gilje Jaatun, Per Håkon Meland, Inger Anne Tøndel, Karin Bernsmed, Marie Elisabeth Gaup Moe, Maria Bartnes Line (2015). Blogg fra SINTEF forskningsgruppe informasjonssikkerhet
  5. Ingrid Graffer, Maria Bartnes, Karin Bernsmed (2015). Play2Prepare: A Board Game Supporting IT Security Preparedness Exercises for Industrial Control Organizations
  6. Maria Bartnes Line (2015). IT security preparedness exercises in the electric power industry
  7. Maria Bartnes Line (2015). Understanding information security incident management practices: A case study in the electric power industry
  8. Maria Bartnes Line, Nils Brede Moe (2015). Cross-functional Teams Needed for Managing Information Security Incidents in Complex Systems
  9. Maria Bartnes Line, Nils Brede Moe (2015). El-nettselskaper øver ikke på IT-angrep
  10. Maria Bartnes Line, Nils Brede Moe (2015). Hvorfor øves det så lite på IT-kriser?
  11. Maria Bartnes Line, Nils Brede Moe (2015). Nettselskaper øver ikke på IT-angrep
  12. Maria Bartnes Line, Nils Brede Moe (2015). Norske nettselskaper øver ikke på IT-angrep
  13. Maria Bartnes Line, Nils Brede Moe (2015). Sjefen må være med på beredskapsøvelser
  14. Maria Bartnes Line, Nils Brede Moe (2015). Understanding Collaborative Challenges in IT Security Preparedness Exercises
  15. Inger Anne Tøndel, Maria Bartnes Line, Gorm Idar Johansen (2015). Assessing Information Security Risks of AMI: What Makes it so Difficult?
  16. Atle Abelsen, Maria Bartnes Line, Atle Årnes (2014). Vokter personvernet
  17. Erlend Andreas Gjære, Inger Anne Tøndel, Martin Gilje Jaatun, Per Håkon Meland, Åsmund Ahlmann Nyre, Karin Bernsmed, Maria Bartnes Line (2014). Infosec – Blogg fra faggruppe for informasjonssikkerhet, SINTEF IKT
  18. Cathrine Hove, Marte Tårnes, Maria Bartnes Line, Karin Bernsmed (2014). Information security incident management: Identified practice in large organizations
  19. Maria Bartnes Line (2014). Beredskapsøvelser for IT-sikkerhetshendelser i kraftsektoren
  20. Maria Bartnes Line (2014). Eksersis mot strøm-hackere
  21. Maria Bartnes Line (2014). Etterlyser nytenkning hos nettselskapene
  22. Maria Bartnes Line (2014). Fem spørsmål om personvern
  23. Maria Bartnes Line (2014). Kraftselskapene trener ikke på dataangrep
  24. Maria Bartnes Line (2014). Målrettede angrep – er nettselskapene forberedt?
  25. Maria Bartnes Line (2014). Smarte strømmålere – smartere hackere: et miniforedrag
  26. Maria Bartnes Line (2014). Smarte strømnett former fremtiden
  27. Maria Bartnes Line (2014). Why securing smart grids is not just a straightforward consultancy exercise
  28. Maria Bartnes Line, Atle Abelsen (2014). Det haster å sikre IT-system
  29. Maria Bartnes Line, Leif Martin Kirknes (2014). Ikke godt nok forberedt
  30. Maria Bartnes Line, Karin Modig (2014). Hackerangrep – hvor forberedt er du?
  31. Maria Bartnes Line, Inger Anne Tøndel, Martin Gilje Jaatun (2014). Information security incident management: Planning for failure
  32. Maria Bartnes Line, Inger Anne Tøndel, Gorm Idar Johansen, Hanne Sæle (2014). Informasjonssikkerhet og personvern:Støtte til risikoanalyse av AMS og tilgrensende systemer
  33. Maria Bartnes Line, Bjørn Jonny Villa (2014). Offentlige WiFi-nett er en større sikkerhetsrisiko enn falske basestasjoner
  34. Maria Bartnes Line, Ali Zand, Gianluca Stringhini, Richard A. Kemmerer (2014). Targeted Attacks against Industrial Control Systems: Is the Power Industry Prepared?
  35. Maria Bartnes Line, Ali Zand, Gianluca Stringhini, Richard A. Kemmerer (2014). Vær IT-beredt
  36. Inger Anne Tøndel, Maria Bartnes Line, Martin Gilje Jaatun (2014). Information security incident management: Current practice as reported in the literature
  37. Inger Anne Tøndel, Maria Bartnes Line, Gorm Idar Johansen, Martin Gilje Jaatun (2014). Risikoanalyse av AMS knyttet til informasjonssikkerhet og personvern
  38. Maria Bartnes Line (2013). A Case Study: Preparing for the Smart Grids – Identifying Current Practice for Information Security Incident Management in the Power Industry
  39. Maria Bartnes Line (2013). A Case Study: Preparing for the Smart Grids – Identifying Current Practice for Information Security Incident Management in the Power Industry
  40. Maria Bartnes Line (2013). A Study of Resilience within Information Security in the Power Industry
  41. Maria Bartnes Line (2013). Hackere kan kutte strømmen
  42. Maria Bartnes Line (2013). Håndtering av IKT-hendelser – et case-studie i kraftbransjen
  43. Maria Bartnes Line (2013). IKT-sikkerhet og risiko ved innføring av AMS og Smart Grids
  44. Maria Bartnes Line (2013). Må vente oss enda flere angrepsmetoder
  45. Maria Bartnes Line (2013). Oljeindustrien skal hackes av Anonymous
  46. Maria Bartnes Line (2013). Preparing for the Smart Grids: Improving Information Security Management in the Power Industry
  47. Maria Bartnes Line (2013). Resilience within Information Security in the Power Industry
  48. Maria Bartnes Line (2013). Smarte strømmålere – smartere hackere?
  49. Maria Bartnes Line (2013). Smarte strømmålere skal redde kraftnettet
  50. Per Håkon Meland, Erlend Andreas Gjære, Åsmund Ahlmann Nyre, Inger Anne Tøndel, Martin Gilje Jaatun, Maria Bartnes Line, Jostein Jensen, Karin Bernsmed (2013). Infosec – Blogg fra faggruppe for informasjonssikkerhet, SINTEF IKT
  51. Inger Anne Tøndel, Martin Gilje Jaatun, Maria Bartnes Line (2013). Threat Modeling of AMI
  52. Maria Bartnes Line (2012). Få naboen til å betale strømmen din
  53. Maria Bartnes Line (2012). Hackere kan mørklegge landet
  54. Maria Bartnes Line (2012). Hva er det egentlig som skjer når vi sender en e-post?
  55. Maria Bartnes Line (2012). Hvordan kan hackere mørklegge hele Norge?
  56. Maria Bartnes Line (2012). IKT-hendelser kan ikke unngås – men hvordan kan de håndteres?
  57. Maria Bartnes Line (2012). Informasjonssikkerhet i fokus
  58. Maria Bartnes Line (2012). Informasjonssikkerhet, personvern og risikovurderinger
  59. Maria Bartnes Line (2012). Kongehuset blogger
  60. Maria Bartnes Line (2012). Må forstå risikoen
  61. Maria Bartnes Line (2012). Sikkerhet i Smart Grids – en forutsetning
  62. Maria Bartnes Line (2012). Strømmålere kan true sikkerheten
  63. Maria Bartnes Line (2012). Sårbare strømmålere
  64. Maria Bartnes Line, Siri Rooseboom de Vries (2012). Fremtidens kraftnett med ny teknologi
  65. Maria Bartnes Line, Martin Gilje Jaatun, Inger Anne Tøndel, Per Håkon Meland, Jostein Jensen, Erlend Andreas Gjære, Åsmund Ahlmann Nyre, Karin Bernsmed (2012). Infosec – Blogg fra faggruppe for informasjonssikkerhet, SINTEF IKT
  66. Maria Bartnes Line, Gorm Idar Johansen, Hanne Sæle (2012). Risikovurdering av AMS. Kartlegging av informasjonssikkerhetsmessige sårbarheter i AMS
  67. Maria Bartnes Line, Inger Anne Tøndel (2012). Information and Communication Technology (ICT) – Enabling and Challenging Critical Infrastructure
  68. Jan Onarheim, Kjell Sand, Jens Auset, Eilert Henriksen, Maria Bartnes Line (2012). Smart strøm
  69. Inger Anne Tøndel, Martin Gilje Jaatun, Maria Bartnes (2012). Security Threats in Demo Steinkjer. Report from the Telenor-SINTEF collaboration project on Smart Grids
  70. Inger Anne Tøndel, Martin Gilje Jaatun, Maria Bartnes Line (2012). Threat modeling of AMI
  71. Erlend Andreas Gjære, Inger Anne Tøndel, Maria Bartnes Line, Herbjørn Andresen, Pieter Jelle Toussaint (2011). Personal Health Information on Display: Balancing Needs, Usability and Legislative Requirements
  72. Maria Bartnes Line, Inger Anne Tøndel, Erlend Andreas Gjære (2011). A Risk-Based Evaluation of Group Access Control Approaches in a Healthcare Setting
  73. Maria Bartnes Line, Inger Anne Tøndel, Martin Gilje JAATUN (2011). Cyber Security Challenges in Smart Grids
  74. Maria Bartnes Line, Inger Anne Tøndel, Martin Gilje JAATUN (2011). Cyber Security Challenges in Smart Grids
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