Guoqiang Li graduated

Guoqiang Li photoGuoqiang Li successfully completed his PhD trial lecture and thesis defense at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology on Thursday, the 27th of October 2016 and will be awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

The title of his thesis is “Innovative methods for large-scale fingerprint identification systems” and the given topic for his trial lecture was “Privacy Threats Emanating from Personal Drones”.

Fingerprint recognition has gained wide acceptance and great popularity since fingerprint recognition based applications have been adopted in diverse scenarios. However, new challenges also emerge along with the extensive deployment of these systems. During the recognition process, a shorter response time is always desirable when an individual needs to be identified in a system with a database consisting of millions of fingerprints. Fingerprint protection is also important to avoid the fingerprints being accessible for a third party.

Li has investigated innovative methods which can benefit large-scale fingerprint identification systems in terms of accuracy, efficiency and security. This includes a fingerphoto quality assessment approach, fingerprint indexing in order to accurately and efficiently establish the identity of an individual in large-scale fingerprint identification systems and protection of fingerprint information.

The following committee has been appointed to evaluate his thesis, trial lecture and defense:

  • First external opponent: Assistant Professor Dr. Paulo Lobato Correia, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.
  • Second external opponent: Junior Assistant Professor  Dr. Matteo Ferrara, Universita di Bologna.
  • Internal opponent: Associate Professor Dr. Sule Yildirim-Yayilgan, Faculty of Computer Science and Media Technology, NTNU in Gjøvik.
  • Administrator for the assessment committee: Professor Stephen Wolthusen, Faculty of Computer Science and Media Technology, NTNU in Gjøvik.
  • Professor Stephen Wolthusen led disputation.

Guoqiang Li carried out his PhD work at the Faculty of Computer Science and Media Technology, NTNU. His supervisor was Professor Christoph Busch, Faculty of Computer Science and Media Technology, NTNU in Gjøvik and Co-supervisors were Associate Professor Bian Yang, Faculty of Computer Science and Media Technology, NTNU in Gjøvik and Professor Patrick Bours, Faculty of Computer Science and Media Technology, NTNU in Gjøvik.


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